Drone Know How

The right drone knowledge is worth its weight in gold. With new regulations and constantly evolving technology, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to drones. When am I allowed to fly where? When is a special permit mandatory? What do certain functions/technical terms of a drone mean? And much more. We provide you with regular articles on new drone knowledge and help you to stay up to date.

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Neues aus: Drone Know How

How to back up drone footage

In addition to creating breathtaking drone images and videos, you should always remember to back up your work properly. Regular…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf

Flying a drone in winter – what do you need to know?

In winter, drone pilots not only have to deal with shorter days, but also with wet, snowy and cold weather.…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf

Flying a drone in bad weather – what to consider

Since it's not always sunny, sooner or later you're faced with the question of whether you can fly your drone…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf

Overview: Drones with Cx label and drone class

Drones with an official drone class according to the EU drone regulation (Cx label) are becoming more and more popular.…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf

Drones against climate change – Commitment to climate and environmental protection

Drones are already an important part of the effort to combat climate change and protect the environment. But many are…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf

The 5 most common mistakes when using drones

The following 5 mistakes are the most common ones made by new drone pilots when dealing with drones. Follow our…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf

Track drones with smartphone and remote ID – Drone Scanner

With the Drone Scanner app, any smartphone can now be turned into a drone tracking device. In this way, nearby…

Dimitri Wolf Dimitri Wolf
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