We show you where to find the DJI Air 3 manual for download and which contents are covered in the manual.
If you are looking for the manual for the DJI Air 3, you can find it directly on the manufacturer’s website, even for the new drone model. Just in time for the release of the drone, DJI offers the corresponding manual in its download area. The english version of the manual can already be downloaded now, while other language versions should be available in the coming days.
The DJI Air 3 manual can be found at the following link.
Not only beginners will find helpful tips in the very comprehensive DJI drone manuals. Advanced drone pilots can often find useful tips here as well, especially for new functions. The manual can be consulted before buying a drone to familiarise yourself with the range of functions of the drone and to make a purchase decision based on this.
More drone manuals are available in our drone manual collection.
DJI Air 3 Short Introduction
The DJI Air 3 is the successor model to the DJI Air 2S. A special feature of the new model is the dual and 90° swivelling camera system.
- Für atemberaubende, intensive Aufnahmen – Die dualen Kameras der DJI Air 3 bieten kreative Optionen für Brennweiten. Ideal für die Reisefotografie. Zeige verblüffende Umgebungen und erzähle faszinierende Geschichten durch den Objektiv.
- Nutze jeden Moment –Komme in den Genuss von bis zu 46 Minuten Flugzeit, 48 % mehr im Vergleich zur DJI Air 2S. Mache überzeugende Aufnahmen, ohne dir Gedanken über die Akkulaufzeit zu machen.
- Verbesserte Sicherheit, sicherer Flug – Dank ihrer omnidirektionalen Hindernisvermeidung kannst du die Air 3 unbeschwert fliegen lassen. Sie gewährleistet umfassenden Schutz auch in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen wie beispielsweise einem Wald.
The 720g drone also comes with a C1 label, an omnidirectional obstacle detection system, two new remote controls, the new O4 monitoring system and many other improvements. Among other things, the flight time of the drone has now been increased to a whopping 46 minutes. That is around 15 minutes more than the predecessor model.
DJI Air 3 Manual FAQ
A link to download the official DJI Air 3 manual is provided in the article.
Definitely. The manual contains useful information on the functions as well as the operation of the DJI Air 3 and should also be read by experienced drone pilots.
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